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Parks & Recreation 03.21.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM), Patricia Fillmore (PF), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy:  none
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM)
Call to order: 7:13pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes: 3/7/11 meeting minutes
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept minutes from 2/23/11 meeting as discussed with changes.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        Accept:  5              Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Accepted

New Business

•       Committee Member Positions
Last meeting it was voted Chari person-Lauren McMullen, Vice-Chairperson-Billie Luker, Clerk-Mike Fitzpatrick.  Not accepting Lauren’s letter of resignation as of yet, Lauren is sick so will not be attending meeting tonight.

Old Business

•       Parks Director Updates (MT)
o       Banners at Arthur Kenney Field: Marty has 32 committed banners.  The contracts and payments are starting to come in and he has more prospects.  Rich Designs in North Reading is making all the banners.  He came in lowest for pricing.
o       Pavilion at IRP: Marty is getting ready to take delivery of the Pavilion at IRP.  He is collecting new quotes on the cement pad because that was a year ago for pricing.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)
o       MRPA Conference: Lynne and Maureen attended the MRPA conference last week and found it to be very helpful and informative.  They came away with valuable information.
o       Spring Summer Brochure: Lynne and Maria are on the final phases of wrapping up the spring summer brochure.  It will go to print soon and be in the Transcript on April 7th and available online just before that.
o       Bicycle Day event: Hosting a Bicycle Parade one day event during April Vacation.  Seem to be having great turnouts with one day event. Someone donated 72 bicycle helmets so we are putting them to good use. The day will include bicycle decoration parade, activities, games, bicycle check ups, give-a-ways, etc.   

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o       Catch phrase and new log: Lynne learned at the MRPA conference that Parks & Recreation should have a catch phrase and probably change p their logo, so we are looking for both.
o       Patrick Daly Academic coordinator for the schools: Lynne met with Patrick Daly to go over all our programs and his programs and compare.  They discussed the concerns of the past regarding running similar programs and what are really enrichment programs versus recreation programs and how one could take away from the other.  Discussed guidelines of working together to promote both with each other.
o       Lynne Vacation:  Lynne is going on vacation from April 1st and will be back on April 11th.

•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Summer BBQ Series: Maureen passed out summer BBQ series information. Built in two rain dates at the end of the series. Glamour Girls band Maureen received a partial sponsorship for from a private citizen, because Glamour girls was over the budget but the citizen wanted them to come.
o       Moon Bounce: A woman who runs a moon bounce business has requested to be involved at the BBQ and be let in to charge the kids for the use during the BBQ.  Discussion was had by the committee and it is decided that they do not want her at the BBQ charging a fee and they feel that it will take away from the ponies and children’s entertainment and open up the window for other vendors to want to come in and charge fees.  It was suggested that she could possible attend one day events at the park or through Lynn’s programs such as the Teddy Bear Picnic, etc. Rita will ask LUC about having it at the Craft Fair and get back to us.
o       Raffle at BBQ Idea: Maureen thought that having raffle give-a-way at the BBQ would be good for moral and spark people for coming back again.  Everyone who paid the gate fee gets a raffle ticket and whenever anyone buys anything (meal, ice cream, popcorn, etc) will also get a raffle ticket and there will be a drawing for give-a-way.  We are going to look for donations of tickets, movie passes, basket gift, etc.  It will be run under and sponsored by FONRPRC. Discussion was had and everyone loved the idea.
o       Financials: the budget hearing for the BOS is on 4/4/11 and Maureen has to go up at 7:45pm for P&R update. Maureen is suggesting moving her appearance time at the BOS meeting due to the P&R meeting and agenda.  Discussion was had and it was decided that Maureen will try to switch her appearance time to later. Rita stated that she feels as many members of P&R should go to the BOS meeting for a showing of support. Billie asked Sheila to postpone FONRPRC meeting on 4/4/11 due to the scheduling of the BOS meeting.  Sheila will do so.

•       LUC Updates (RM)
o       Meditation Garden at IRP: Rita is going to the conservation committee meeting to go over the plans for the Carol Smith Meditation Garden at IRP.
o       LUC Craft Fair: They are starting to receive responses from vendors on the craft fair.
o       Local Businesses Meeting: Rita informed everyone that a group of local businesses met to discuss the economy and promoting local businesses to bring business back into North Reading and encourage the public to spend with in North Reading instead of outside of it.   Rita suggested having a Business Expo at the Park to promote local businesses and give back to the businesses and people who donate and support Parks & Recreation.  Discussion was had and everyone liked the idea.  Billie Luker suggest that the event be sponsored by FONRPRC. It was suggested that we not even charge the businesses to be part of the expo to show our giving back and support.  We can charge for things at the expo such as and event or ride etc. This is also an opportunity to show off the improvements at IRP and how the contributions of the businesses in North Reading have and effect on the community.  Billie Suggest to change the 2011 Goals to change the SPORTS EXPO to BUSINESS EXPO.  Committee agrees.  It was also suggested to create a banner thanking our local businesses for all their support.

•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-No update

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•       Wine & food Update
o       Restaurant assignments (LC): pick up assignments for restaurant food the night of 3/25/11
         China Cuisine-RM, Joe Fish/the Loft-MT, Restaurant Molise/Pavarotti/Macaroni Grill-MF
o       Volunteers (LC): We need fewer volunteers because most restaurants are coming and serving themselves. Erica Hansen and Nicole Cormier are greeters. Nicole Cormier and Taylor Schille are Raffle, Meghan Masellas, Alyson Clemens, Taylor Schille are coat room.  Meghan Masellas, Erica Hansen, Mike Fitzpatrick and Sergio are Auction close out of tables.  Nicole Cormier is going to help with cash out of Auction with lines.
o       Music: Marty will handle sound system and music.  He is looking for music cd’s to change up from prior years.  Billie will get him music.
o       Slide Show: Mike Prisco is lending us his projector and laptop for the slide show. He will bring and set up prior to event.
o       Raffle prices: Discussion was had that raffle prices will be 5 tickets for $10 or 20 tickets for $20.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion that raffles tickets will sell for 5 tickets for $10 or 20 tickets for $20
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  5    Opposed:  0     Abstained: 0
Motion passed

Winner must be present to win or another raffle will be pulled. The raffle will be pulled at 9:45pm

o       Auction: Sheila asked Mike & Sergio to meet with her at the beginning of the night on 3/25/11 to go over close out of auction tables. Winners of the auction will be posted on the projector.  Auction will close out at 9pm that is when the sheets get pulled off the tables and the items are covered over. We will need about 25 minutes to organize and then the winners will go up on the screen.  Auction cash out will be set up in the Blue room separate from the main hall. We need Nicole Cormier to be at entrance of Blue room to control lines for payment.

Other Business
•       911 10th Anniversary event (MS)-This year 9/11/11 is the 10th anniversary of the 911 tragedy. P&R is working with the Veteran’s Dept on a 10th Anniversary event of 911 which will be held on Sunday 9/11/11 and rain date is set for 9/18/11.  It will be a very large event involving the community and military branches.

•       Next Meeting date (SS)
April 4th in Room 5 at Town Hall at 6:30pm

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)
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